Workshop Details
Discover how to excel as an English-Medium Instruction Teaching Assistant in this hands-on workshop! This session will walk you through the essentials of the role, from supporting language development to collaborating with professors, all through interactive activities, real-world scenarios, and peer-driven problem-solving. Learn practical strategies to empower students without overstepping boundaries, and gain confidence in balancing academic rigor with approachable guidance. We provide actionable tools, collaborative challenges, and a safe space to practice your skills. Leave ready to thrive as an effective, culturally aware EMI TA!
【日期與時間 Workshops Date & Duration】
2024.03.13 (星期四/Thu.) 14:00 - 16:00
【主講人 Keynote Speaker】
Fulbright EMI Advisor-簡偉連 William Jones
【地點 Location】
中興大學應用科技大樓 地下一樓 B13
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