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NCHU TLC: Modular Bilingual Courses Development Teachers Community Project

Deadline for Registering: February 23, 2025 (Sunday)

Article 1Content of the plan

(1)  The composition of the project community

a.      Teachers from all schools are eligible to apply.

b.     The community is composed of teachers specializing in core curriculum subjects and language instruction, either from the same school or across different schools, as a fundamental principle. Each community consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of five members, with each teacher limited to participating in one community. Each community designates one teacher as the convener, responsible for communication, coordination, and compiling outcomes.

(2)  Application Method

Each community convener is required to complete the project application form (format as per Attachment 1) and upload it to the online application platform (click 'Registered' and upload) before February 23, 2025(Sunday). Incomplete submissions or those not adhering to the specified format will not be considered.

(3)  Execution Schedule

The project is planned to last until June 30, 2015 (Monday).

(4)  Community Mission

a.      Curriculum Inventory

Begin with the community teachers anchoring the curriculum map of specialized subjects, connecting the core content of foundational courses with the advanced professional elective courses in EMI.

b.     Development of ESAP Syllabus

Together with language teachers, develop an ESAP (English for Specific Academic Purposes) professional academic English curriculum that integrates language and professional content frameworks. This allows students to start with foundational core courses and bridge into various fields' EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) professional courses through ESAP. The curriculum includes the learning objectives, an introduction to course materials, explanation of course structure, teaching module and outlines, evaluation methods, and professional vocabulary comparison table.

c.      Curriculum Module Construction Mechanism

After compilation and development by community teachers, a complete set of curriculum modules will be constructed. Upon review by the project leader and project executive director, authorization will be granted to the center for resource sharing.

d.     Participation in Activities

Please encourage subsidized community teachers to participate in inter-school activities organized by our center. Additionally, we also encourage teachers to actively join relevant seminars, workshops, and other events organized by our center.

Article 2Review and Subsidy Principles

(1)  Review Procedure

Conducted by the center. This project is planned based on the annual budget. Applications will no longer be accepted once the funding for the current year is exhausted.

(2)  Subsidy Principles

a.      Prioritizing fields of agriculture and life sciences, as well as mechanical and electrical engineering

b.     This project is supported by the funding under the 'National Chung Hsing University EMI Teaching Learning Center Project', with the following subsidy items:

l   Operating Expenses: Each community can be subsidized up to 70,000 NT dollars to support its operations. For expenditure verification procedures, please refer to item (3) below.

l   Incentive Award: Each community can be granted up to 24,000 NT dollars, distributed equally among community members upon submission of the achievement report.

c.      This project may not be applied for duplicatively with other projects. If duplicate applications are found to be verified, the center will cease subsidies and reclaim related funds.

d.     Verification Procedure

e.     The verification of relevant items shall be conducted in accordance with the 'Budget Allocation Standards for Subsidized (Donated) and Commissioned Projects by the Ministry of Education'.

f.       Please have the community convener mail the relevant documents to our center via registered mail within ten working days from the issuance date (as evidenced by the postmark). Additionally, send the activity record form (format as per Attachment 2) to the email address of the responsible person (

g.     If the verification is not completed before June 30, 2025 (Monday), the remaining funds will be reclaimed.

Article 3Project Management and Closure

(1)  Outcome Report (Required)

The community convener should submit the outcome report (format as per Attachment 3) within two weeks after the project's execution period. The submission status of the outcome report is a critical basis for reviewing and approving the subsidy amount. It will also serve as important evidence for future reviews of related project applications.

(2)  Additional Research Outputs (Optional)

a.      If there are additional research outputs for this project, please have the community convener send the application form (format as per Attachment 4) to the email address of the responsible person ( before July 31, 2025 (Thursday). The output contents are in the following format.

l   Filming and Post-production of Instructional Videos: A trial teaching video of the complete course, at least 15 minutes long, in mp4 format. Each community has a maximum budget of 10,000 NT dollars.

l   Actual Classroom Implementation: Provide proof of course offering meeting class standards, course syllabus, and student feedback questionnaire (please fill out the questionnaire at this link). Each community has a maximum budget of 6,000 NT dollars.

l   Publication of Developed Teaching Materials: Provide the 13-digit International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and publication. Each community has a maximum budget of 15,000 NT dollars.

b.     If the additional research outputs of this item are approved by our center's review, additional research incentive funds will be disbursed in stages, up to a maximum of 31,000 NT dollars per community (adjustable depending on the situation).

The above outcome reports and additional research output data will be made publicly available on the center's website for non-profit or educational promotion purposes.

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